Motion Healthcare Mlite
Another lightweight contender to our Folding Mobility Scooter selection, ‘The mLite’ mobility scooter weighs in at just 17.9kg! with its simple to remove battery removed and 19.9kg in total, making one of the lightest folding mobility scooters on the UK market. The easy to remove lithium battery pack weighs just 2kg and offers the option of both on or off board charging.
Despite its compact size the mLite can support a weight limit of 18 stone, with a powerful motor which allows it to outperform most small scooters on the market. The extra soft compound solid tyres and soft rubber seat also provide a level of comfort usually only provided on larger scooters.
Using a revolutionary quick and simple sliding mechanism the mLite offers both a comfortable spacious ride when unfolded but is still one of the most compact scooters on the market when folded. This allows it to fit in any car boot, or even the rear footwell of most cars. The height adjustable extendable handle also offers the ability to easily manoeuvre when folded , making it even easier to store or travel with using public transport.

At Charterwood Mobility we want to make sure that the mobility scooter you have chosen is the correct size and power for your needs, you can visit our Kent Showroom and try out our Mobility Scooters or we can bring a suitable selection to your home.
Telephone Sales
If you know which product you wish to purchase, give our sales team a call to confirm price and availability, they will be happy to discuss any queries.
All powered products will be delivered FREE OF CHARGE
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